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Careers That Would Be Sought After In The Future In Malaysia: Job Demand Guide

June 30, 2023

EasyUni Staff

Predicting specific job demands years into the future can be challenging, as it depends on various factors such as economic conditions, technological advancements, and societal changes. However, based on current trends and ongoing developments,

some fields may experience increased demand for skilled professionals.



What it is

Data science and analytics involve the extraction of valuable insights and knowledge from raw data to inform decision-making, solve problems, and gain a deeper understanding of various phenomena.

It combines elements of statistics, mathematics, computer science, and domain expertise to analyse large and diverse datasets. Find below a list of jobs for this career path and its corresponding monthly salary (salary data for this article are sourced from Jobstreet Malaysia and Indeed Malaysia.)

These roles offer a diverse range of opportunities in data science and analytics, allowing individuals to apply their analytical skills and work with data to solve real-world problems across various industries.


1. Data Scientist: Data scientists extract insights from large datasets, using statistical analysis and machine learning techniques to solve complex problems and make data-driven decisions.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 5,750 to RM 8,250

2. Data Analyst: Data analysts collect, clean, and analyse data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights that help businesses improve their performance and make informed decisions.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,200 to RM 4,500

3. Machine Learning Engineer: Engineers design, develop, and implement machine learning algorithms and models that enable computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 5,792

4. Business Intelligence Analyst: Business intelligence analysts gather and analyse data from various sources to provide insights and reports that support strategic decision-making and help organisations optimise their operations.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,800 to RM 6,200

5. Data Engineer: Data engineers build and maintain the infrastructure and systems required to store, process, and analyse large volumes of data, ensuring data quality, reliability, and accessibility for data-driven initiatives.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 6,550 to RM 9,050

6. Data Visualization Specialist: Data visualisation specialists create visually compelling and interactive representations of data, using charts, graphs, and other visual elements to communicate complex information clearly and understandably.

    Average salary (monthly): RM3,020 to RM8,660

Recommended Courses

1. Introduction to Data Science

This course covers the fundamentals of data science, including data manipulation, exploratory data analysis, statistical analysis, and data visualisation techniques.

2. Machine Learning

This course focuses on the principles and algorithms of machine learning, teaching you how to build predictive models, perform data classification and regression, and apply techniques like decision trees, random forests, and neural networks.

3. Data Wrangling and SQL

This course teaches you how to clean, preprocess, and transform data using various techniques. Additionally, it covers Structured Query Language (SQL) for database management and data querying.

4. Statistical Analysis and Hypothesis Testing

This course delves into statistical concepts and techniques, such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA), essential for drawing meaningful insights from data.

5. Data Visualization

This course focuses on creating effective visual representations of data to communicate insights. You'll learn how to use visualisation tools and techniques to present data in a clear and compelling manner.

6. Big Data Technologies

This course introduces you to the technologies and frameworks for handling large-scale data processing, including Hadoop, Apache Spark, and distributed computing concepts.

7. Python/R Programming

A course in either Python or R programming will equip you with the necessary programming skills for data manipulation, analysis, and modelling. These languages are widely used in data science and analytics.

8. Data Ethics and Privacy

This course explores the ethical considerations surrounding data collection, usage, and privacy. You'll learn about legal frameworks, data protection regulations, and best practices for ethical data handling.

9. Data Mining and Text Analytics

This course covers techniques for discovering patterns, extracting insights, and analysing unstructured data, such as text data from social media, documents, or customer feedback.

10. Time Series Analysis

This course focuses on analysing and forecasting data that exhibits temporal patterns, such as stock prices, weather data, or sales trends. You'll learn methods like autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and exponential smoothing.

What it is 

Artificial Intelligence (AI), in simple terms, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. It involves creating machines that think, learn, and make decisions like humans.


1. Data Scientist: Analyzes complex data to extract insights and inform decision-making using statistical techniques and machine learning.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 5,750 to RM 8,250

2. Software Developer: Designs, codes, and tests computer programs and applications for various platforms and purposes.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,600 to RM 5,300

3. UX/UI Designer: Creates user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces for digital products, considering user experience and interface design principles.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,700 to RM 5,500

4. Data Analyst: Collects, cleans, and analyses data to identify patterns and trends, providing actionable insights for decision-making.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,200 to RM 4,500

5. Cybersecurity Analyst: Protects computer systems and data from cyber threats by monitoring, investigating breaches, and implementing security measures.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,500 to RM 6,000

6. AI/Machine Learning Engineer: Develops and deploys machine learning models and algorithms to automate processes and make predictions.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 5,792

7. Digital Marketing Specialist: Executes online marketing strategies using various digital channels to drive engagement, generate leads, and increase brand visibility.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,800 to RM 5,300

Recommended Courses

1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

This course provides an overview of AI concepts, including machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, and computer vision, giving you a broad understanding of the field.

2. Machine Learning

This course focuses on the principles and algorithms of machine learning, teaching you how to build predictive models, perform data classification and regression, and apply techniques like decision trees, random forests, and deep learning.

3. Deep Learning and Neural Networks

This course dives deeper into neural networks and deep learning architectures, covering topics such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs).

4. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

This course explores techniques for processing and understanding human language using AI, including topics like sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, text generation, and machine translation.

5. Computer Vision

This course focuses on AI algorithms and methods for analysing and interpreting visual data, covering topics such as image classification, object detection, image segmentation, and image generation.

6. Reinforcement Learning

This course introduces the principles of reinforcement learning, a branch of machine learning that focuses on training agents to make sequential decisions in dynamic environments and covers algorithms like Q-learning and policy gradients.

7. Ethical and Responsible AI

This course delves into the ethical considerations surrounding AI, including fairness, bias, transparency, and privacy. It explores the societal impacts of AI and guides you in developing responsible AI solutions.

8. Robotics and Autonomous Systems

This course explores the integration of AI with robotics to create autonomous systems capable of perception, decision-making, and action. Topics covered may include robot control, motion planning, and sensor fusion.

9. AI in Business

This course examines the applications of AI in business contexts, covering topics like recommender systems, customer segmentation, demand forecasting, and optimisation using AI techniques.

10. AI Capstone Project

A capstone project allows you to apply your AI knowledge and skills to solve a real-world problem or develop an AI application, demonstrating your practical abilities and creativity.

What it is

Cybersecurity protects computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorised access, attacks, and breaches. It encompasses various practices, technologies, and measures aimed at safeguarding digital assets and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.


1. Cybersecurity Analyst: Monitors and investigates security incidents, analyse vulnerabilities, and implements measures to protect systems and data from cyber threats.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,500 to RM 6,000

2. Security Engineer: Designs, implements, and maintains security systems and protocols to safeguard computer networks and infrastructure from potential risks.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,935

3. Incident Responder: Responds to and manages security incidents, conducts forensic investigations, and develops incident response plans to minimise the impact of breaches.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 6,000

4. Penetration Tester: Conducts authorised simulated attacks on systems and networks to identify vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of security measures.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 7,000 to RM 8,000

5. Security Consultant: Provides expert advice and recommendations on cybersecurity strategies, assesses risks, and assists organisations in improving their security posture.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 7,495

6. Cryptographer: Develops cryptographic algorithms and protocols to secure data and communications, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 9,796.25 to RM 17,541

7. Security Auditor: Conducts assessments and audits of security controls and practices to identify weaknesses, assess compliance, and recommend improvements.

   Average salary (monthly): RM 12,128

8. Threat Intelligence Analyst: Collects and analyses information on emerging cyber threats, tracks threat actors, and provides actionable intelligence to support proactive defence measures.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,980 to RM 12,400

Recommended Courses

1. Introduction to Cybersecurity

This course provides an overview of cybersecurity principles, concepts, and best practices, covering topics such as threat landscape, vulnerabilities, risk management, and security controls.

2. Network Security

This course focuses on securing computer networks from unauthorised access, attacks, and data breaches. It covers topics like firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), virtual private networks (VPNs), and secure network architectures.

3. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

This course explores the techniques and methodologies used by ethical hackers to identify vulnerabilities in systems and networks. It covers penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and exploit development.

4. Secure Coding

This course emphasises writing secure code to prevent common vulnerabilities in software applications. It covers safe coding practices, input validation, authentication, and protection against common attacks.

5. Incident Response and Digital Forensics

This course investigates and responds to security incidents and cybercrimes. It covers collecting and analysing digital evidence, incident handling, and recovery techniques.

6. Cryptography

This course covers the principles and applications of cryptography in securing data and communications. It includes topics such as encryption algorithms, digital signatures, secure key management, and cryptographic protocols.

7. Web Application Security

This course examines the security vulnerabilities and countermeasures specific to web applications. It covers topics like cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, session management, and secure coding for web applications.

8. Cloud Security

This course explores the security considerations and best practices for cloud computing environments. It covers topics like cloud architecture security, data protection, identity and access management, and secure cloud deployment.

9. Mobile Security

This course focuses on securing mobile devices, mobile applications, and the associated infrastructure. It covers topics like mobile device management, secure coding for mobile apps, and the mobile threat landscape.

10. Security Governance and Compliance

This course examines the frameworks, policies, and procedures for establishing effective security governance and achieving regulatory compliance. It covers topics like risk assessment, security frameworks (e.g., ISO 27001), and privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR).

What it is

Renewable energy refers to energy derived from sources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, water, and biomass. It is a rapidly growing field that offers diverse career opportunities focused on sustainable energy production, utilisation, and management. 


1. Renewable Energy Engineer: Designs, develops, and implements renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, wind turbines, or geothermal systems, to generate clean and sustainable power.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,800 to RM 5,200

2. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installer: Installs and maintains solar panel systems on rooftops or open areas, connecting them to electrical grids or standalone applications to harness solar energy for electricity generation.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 1,961

3. Wind Turbine Technician: Performs installation, maintenance, and repair of wind turbines, ensuring optimal performance and reliability of wind energy generation systems.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 2,737

4. Energy Efficiency Consultant: Advises individuals or organisations on energy-efficient practices and technologies, conducting energy audits and proposing strategies to reduce energy consumption and costs.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 4,250

5. Energy Storage Specialist: Develops and implements energy storage solutions, such as battery systems, to store and distribute renewable energy efficiently, ensuring grid stability and reliability.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 2,960

6. Sustainable Energy Policy Analyst: Analyzes renewable energy policies, conducts research, and provides recommendations to governments, organisations, or institutions to promote and regulate sustainable energy practices.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 4,048

7. Green Building Architect: Designs and constructs energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable buildings, integrating renewable energy systems, efficient insulation, and other eco-friendly features.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,771

8. Renewable Energy Project Manager: Oversees the planning, execution, and completion of renewable energy projects, coordinating resources, managing timelines, and ensuring project objectives are achieved.

   Average salary (monthly): RM 3,200 to RM 4,400

9. Renewable Energy Sales Representative: Markets and sells renewable energy products or services to individuals, businesses, or organisations, promoting the benefits of clean energy solutions.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,300 to RM 4,500

10. Renewable Energy Researcher: Conducts scientific research and development to enhance renewable energy technologies, improve efficiency, and explore innovative solutions for sustainable energy generation.

    Average salary (monthly): Data not available

Recommended Courses

1. Introduction to Renewable Energy

This course provides an overview of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal. It covers the basic principles, technologies, and applications of each energy source.

2. Renewable Energy Systems

This course focuses on the design, operation, and integration of renewable energy systems. It covers topics such as system components, energy storage, grid integration, and energy management strategies.

3. Solar Energy Technology

This course explores the principles and applications of solar energy. It covers topics like photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar thermal systems, solar cell technologies, and solar resource assessment.

4. Wind Energy Technology

This course examines the principles and technologies used in harnessing wind energy. It covers topics such as wind turbine design, wind resource assessment, wind farm planning, and grid integration.

5. Hydroelectric Power Systems

This course focuses on the design, operation, and maintenance of hydroelectric power systems. It covers topics like hydro turbine technology, dam design, environmental impact assessment, and hydropower economics.

6. Biomass and Bioenergy

This course explores biomass conversion into bioenergy, including biofuels, biogas, and biomass power generation. It covers topics such as feedstock selection, conversion processes, and sustainability considerations.

7. Geothermal Energy

This course delves into the utilisation of geothermal energy for electricity generation and heating applications. It covers topics such as geothermal resource exploration, power plant design, and geothermal heat pumps.

8. Energy Policy and Regulation

This course examines the policies, regulations, and incentives related to renewable energy. It covers topics like renewable energy targets, feed-in tariffs, carbon pricing, and energy market dynamics.

9. Energy Storage Systems

This course focuses on the various energy storage technologies used in renewable energy systems. It covers topics such as battery storage, pumped hydro storage, compressed air energy storage, and thermal energy storage.

10. Sustainable Energy Management

This course explores the principles of sustainable energy management in the context of renewable energy. It covers topics such as energy efficiency, demand-side management, energy audits, and energy economics.

What it is

A. Healthcare

Healthcare careers encompass many professions dedicated to promoting and providing medical care, disease prevention, and patient well-being. Healthcare professionals work in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, private practices, and public health organisations, to diagnose, treat, and manage illnesses and to improve overall health outcomes.

B. Biotechnology

Biotechnology careers involve the application of biological principles, techniques, and tools to develop and improve products, processes, and technologies in sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, and environmental conservation. Biotechnology professionals employ genetic engineering, molecular biology, and other scientific methods to advance scientific understanding, create innovative products, and contribute to the fields of medicine, agriculture, and beyond.


1. Registered Nurse: Provides direct patient care, administers medications, monitors vital signs, and collaborates with healthcare professionals to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 2,300 to RM 3,000

2. Medical Doctor (MD): Diagnoses and treats medical conditions, prescribes medications, performs medical procedures, and provides overall medical care to patients.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 7,750 to RM 10,250

3. Pharmacist: Dispenses medications, provides drug information, advises patients on proper medication use, and collaborates with healthcare teams to ensure safe and effective medication therapy.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 6,000 to RM 7,500

4. Medical Laboratory Technician: Performs laboratory tests, analyses samples, and assists in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, working under the supervision of medical technologists or pathologists.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 1,800 to RM 2,500

5. Biomedical Engineer: Designs and develops medical equipment, devices, and prosthetics, applying engineering principles to improve healthcare diagnostics, treatment, and patient care.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 2,800 to RM 3,800

6. Clinical Research Coordinator: Coordinates and manages clinical trials and research studies, ensuring compliance with regulations, recruiting participants, collecting data, and maintaining documentation.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,837

7. Biotechnologist: Applies biological principles and techniques to develop and improve products, processes, and technologies in fields such as agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 6,810

8. Healthcare Administrator: Manages and oversees healthcare facilities, departments, or organisations, ensuring smooth operations, financial management, compliance with regulations, and quality patient care.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,301

9. Medical Imaging Technologist: Operates medical imaging equipment, such as X-ray, MRI, or CT scanners, to produce images for diagnostic purposes, collaborating with radiologists and other healthcare professionals.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 4,700

10. Epidemiologist: Investigates patterns and causes of diseases, conducts public health research, collects and analyses data, and develops strategies to prevent and control the spread of diseases.

    Average salary (monthly): 2,739

11. Healthcare IT Specialist: Manages and maintains healthcare information systems, implements electronic health records, ensures data security, and supports the use of technology in healthcare settings.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,100 to RM 4,800

Recommended Courses

1. Introduction to Biotechnology

This course provides an overview of biotechnology and its applications in healthcare. It covers topics such as genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, biopharmaceuticals, and bioprocessing.

2. Molecular Biology

This course focuses on the study of cellular processes and molecular interactions in biological systems. It covers topics like DNA replication, transcription, translation, gene expression, and genetic analysis techniques.

3. Cell Biology

This course explores the structure and function of cells, including cellular organelles, cell signalling, cell cycle, and cellular processes related to development, differentiation, and disease.

4. Medical Microbiology

This course examines the microorganisms relevant to human health, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. It covers topics like host-pathogen interactions, infectious diseases, and diagnostic techniques.

5. Pharmacology

This course explores the principles of drug action and their effects on the human body. It covers topics such as drug classification, mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, and drug development process.

6. Immunology

This course focuses on the immune system and its role in protecting the body from infections and diseases. It covers topics like immune response, immunological disorders, vaccination, and immunotherapy.

7. Biomedical Engineering

This course combines principles of engineering and biology to develop innovative medical technologies and devices. It covers topics like medical imaging, biomaterials, bio instrumentation, and biomechanics.

8. Bioinformatics

This course explores applying computational tools and techniques to analyse biological data. It covers topics such as genomic analysis, protein structure prediction, and biological data mining.

9. Clinical Research and Trials

This course explains the process and ethics of conducting clinical research and trials. It covers topics like study design, data collection, statistical analysis, and regulatory compliance.

10. Healthcare Management

This course focuses on the principles of healthcare administration and management. It covers topics like healthcare policy, healthcare delivery systems, quality improvement, and healthcare finance.

What it is

Both software development and software engineering involve creating software applications. Still, software engineering emphasises a systematic and disciplined approach to software development, considering long-term sustainability, scalability, and adherence to engineering principles. 

Software developers focus on coding and implementation, while software engineers take a broader perspective, considering the entire software development life cycle and applying engineering concepts to deliver robust and high-performing software systems.


1. Full Stack Developer: Develops both frontend and backend components of web applications, working with various programming languages, frameworks, and databases to create fully functional and user-friendly software solutions.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 6,050 to RM 8,550

2. Mobile App Developer: Designs and builds applications for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, using programming languages and development tools specific to mobile platforms, ensuring optimal performance and user experience.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 4,000 to RM 6,000

3. Frontend Developer: Focuses on creating the user interface and user experience of websites and web applications, utilising HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 4,150 to RM 6,650

4. Software Architect: Designs the overall structure and high-level design of software systems, defining the components, interfaces, and system behaviour to ensure scalability, maintainability, and alignment with business goals.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 11,750 to RM 14,250

5. Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer: Tests software applications and systems to identify defects, ensures compliance with quality standards and collaborates with development teams to improve software functionality, performance, and user experience.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,200 to RM 4,500

6. DevOps Engineer: Manages the development, integration, and deployment processes, implementing automation, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and infrastructure-as-code practices to facilitate efficient software  delivery.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 8,201

Recommended Courses

1. Introduction to Robotics

This course provides an overview of robotics, covering the fundamental concepts, components, and applications of robots. It includes topics such as robot kinematics, sensors, actuators, and robot programming.

2. Robot Mechanics and Control

This course focuses on the mechanical design and control principles of robots. It covers topics such as robot manipulator kinematics, dynamics, control algorithms, and motion planning.

3. Robot Perception

This course explores the techniques and algorithms for robot perception and sensing. It covers topics such as computer vision, sensor fusion, localisation, mapping, and object recognition.

4. Embedded Systems

This course focuses on the design and programming of embedded systems used in robotics. It covers topics such as microcontrollers, real-time operating systems, firmware development, and hardware-software interfacing.

5. Robot Motion Planning

This course delves into the algorithms and techniques used in robot motion planning and navigation. It covers topics such as path planning, obstacle avoidance, sensor-based navigation, and localisation.

6. Robot Vision

This course emphasises the computer vision techniques used in robotics. It covers topics such as image processing, feature extraction, object tracking, 3D reconstruction, and visual serving.

7. Control Systems

This course explores the principles and techniques of control systems used in robotics. It covers topics such as feedback control, PID controllers, system modelling, stability analysis, and control system design.

8. Machine Learning for Robotics

This course focuses on applying machine learning algorithms and techniques in robotics. It covers topics such as supervised learning, reinforcement learning, neural networks, and robotic learning from demonstration.

9. Robotics Software Development

This course emphasises the software development aspects of robotics. It covers topics such as robot operating systems (ROS), programming languages (e.g., C++, Python), software architecture, and robot simulation.

10. Robotics Project Design

This course provides hands-on experience in designing and implementing robotics projects. It covers topics such as project management, teamwork, prototyping, testing, and documentation.

What it is 

Fintech, short for financial technology, refers to the application of technology to innovate and improve financial services and systems. Fintech professionals leverage cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analytics, and mobile applications to develop new financial products, streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive efficiency in the financial industry.


1. Fintech Product Manager: Identifies market needs, defines product strategies, and oversees the development and launch of fintech products or services, ensuring they meet customer requirements and align with business goals.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 6,750 to RM 9,250

2. Blockchain Developer: Designs and implements blockchain-based systems and smart contracts, leveraging cryptographic principles to create secure, transparent, and decentralised financial solutions.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 7,000 to RM 12,000

3. Data Scientist: Analyzes large volumes of financial data, extracts insights, and builds predictive models to inform decision-making, risk assessment, fraud detection, and personalised financial services.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 5,750 to RM 8,250

4. UX/UI Designer: Creates user-centric and visually appealing interfaces for fintech applications, focusing on usability, accessibility, and seamless user experiences in financial transactions, investment platforms, or mobile banking apps.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,700 to RM 7,250

5. Payment Solutions Specialist: Develops and manages digital payment solutions, such as mobile wallets, peer-to-peer payment platforms, or contactless payment systems, ensuring secure and convenient financial transactions.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 2,150 to RM 4,650

6. Financial Analyst: Conducts financial research, performs data analysis, and provides insights into market trends, investment opportunities, and risk assessment for fintech companies or financial institutions.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,800 to RM 4,600

Recommended Courses

1. Introduction to Programming

This course introduces fundamental programming concepts, including variables, data types, control structures, and basic algorithms. It typically focuses on a programming language like Python, Java, or C++.

2. Object-Oriented Programming

This course delves deeper into object-oriented programming principles and practices. It covers topics such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and design patterns.

3. Data Structures and Algorithms

This course explores essential data structures (e.g., arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs) and algorithms (e.g., sorting, searching, graph traversal) used in software development. It focuses on efficient problem-solving techniques.

4. Web Development

This course focuses on building web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It covers topics such as front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Angular), back-end development (e.g., Node.js), and database integration.

5. Software Engineering

This course introduces the principles and practices of software engineering. It covers topics such as requirements analysis, software design, testing, version control, and software project management.

6. Database Systems

This course explores the concepts and techniques related to database management systems. It covers topics such as relational database design, SQL queries, database normalisation, and data modelling.

7. Mobile App Development

This course focuses on developing mobile applications for platforms like iOS and Android. It covers topics such as mobile app architecture, user interface design, mobile frameworks (e.g., Swift, Kotlin), and app deployment.

8. Software Testing and Quality Assurance

This course emphasises the importance of testing software for functionality, performance, and security. It covers topics such as test planning, test automation, quality assurance techniques, and software debugging.

9. Cloud Computing

This course explores the principles and technologies used in cloud computing. It covers topics such as virtualisation, cloud service models (e.g., SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), cloud security, and scalability.

10. Software Project Management

This course focuses on the management of software development projects. It covers topics such as project planning, scheduling, resource allocation, risk management, and Agile/Scrum methodologies.

What it is 

Engineering robotics involves the design, development, and implementation of robotic systems. Robotics engineers combine principles from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science to create robots that can perform tasks autonomously or assist humans in various industries. 

They design robotic hardware, develop control systems, and program intelligent behaviours, contributing to advancements in automation, manufacturing, healthcare, exploration, and more.


1. Robotics Engineer: Designs and develops robotic systems, including hardware components and software algorithms, to create robots capable of performing specific tasks or functions in manufacturing, healthcare, or exploration.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,170

2. Robotics Software Engineer: Focuses on developing software systems that control and coordinate the movements, behaviours, and decision-making capabilities of robots, ensuring their efficient and reliable operation.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 4,395

3. Automation Engineer: Implements robotic automation solutions in manufacturing and industrial settings, integrating robotic systems into production lines to improve efficiency, precision, and productivity.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,600 to RM 5,100

4. Mechatronics Engineer: Combines knowledge from mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer science to design and optimise electromechanical systems, including robotic mechanisms, sensors, and control systems.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 3,600 to RM 5,100

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer: Applies AI techniques, such as machine learning and computer vision, to enhance the capabilities of robots, enabling them to perceive and interact with their environment intelligently.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 5,792

6. Robot Technician: Performs maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair tasks on robotic systems, ensuring their optimal performance and resolving any mechanical, electrical, or programming issues that may arise.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 2,500 to RM 3,800

7. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Developer: Develops software robots or "bots" that automate repetitive and rule-based tasks in business processes, leveraging robotics technology to streamline workflows and improve efficiency.

    Average salary (monthly): RM 8,000 to RM 10,000

Recommended Courses

1. Introduction to Robotics

This course provides an overview of robotics, covering the fundamental concepts, components, and applications of robots. It includes topics such as robot kinematics, sensors, actuators, and programming.

2. Robot Mechanics and Control

This course focuses on the mechanical design and control principles of robots. It covers topics such as robot manipulator kinematics, dynamics, control algorithms, and motion planning.

3. Robot Perception

This course explores the techniques and algorithms for robot perception and sensing. It covers topics such as computer vision, sensor fusion, localisation, mapping, and object recognition.

4. Embedded Systems

This course focuses on the design and programming of embedded systems used in robotics. It covers topics such as microcontrollers, real-time operating systems, firmware development, and hardware-software interfacing.

5. Robot Motion Planning

This course delves into the algorithms and techniques used in robot motion planning and navigation. It covers topics such as path planning, obstacle avoidance, sensor-based navigation, and localisation.

6. Robot Vision

This course emphasises the computer vision techniques used in robotics. It covers topics such as image processing, feature extraction, object tracking, 3D reconstruction, and visual serving.

7. Control Systems

This course explores the principles and techniques of control systems used in robotics. It covers topics such as feedback control, PID controllers, system modelling, stability analysis, and control system design.

8. Machine Learning for Robotics

This course focuses on applying machine learning algorithms and techniques in robotics. It covers supervised learning, reinforcement learning, neural networks, and robotic learning from demonstration.

9. Robotics Software Development

This course emphasises the software development aspects of robotics. It covers robot operating systems (ROS), programming languages (e.g., C++, Python), software architecture, and robot simulation.

10. Robotics Project Design

This course provides hands-on experience in designing and implementing robotics projects. It covers project management, teamwork, prototyping, testing, and documentation.


So..., remember that these predictions are based on current trends and could evolve or change in the coming years. So it is important to continuously update your skills and stay informed about emerging technologies and industries to adapt to the evolving job market. 

It’s essential to stay adaptable and continuously update your skills. By exploring the fields mentioned in this guide and pursuing your passions, you can position yourself for a successful and fulfilling career in future Malaysia.


Written by: Julia Tay

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