7 Ideas to make your New Year's Resolutions Work
November 11, 2017
EasyUni Staff
- Doing Assignments Ahead of Time
(Image Source: http://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/)
Fed up with being a chronic procrastinator? So, after a long and tiring semester, you decide not to let the deadline creep up on you again. You are profoundly aware of the fact that the longer you are used to procrastinate, the longer it takes to snap yourself out of it. Starting from now, do manage your time wisely and make sure you get everything done as scheduled.
- Getting in Shape
(Image Source: http://weepet8704.jimdo.com/)
Guess more than half of the people who are reading this can totally relate to this (Even I, myself included). However, it’s always easier said than done as it takes into account long lasting determination and ability to self-motivate, just like the old saying goes “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. But it’s definitely an awesome resolution to accomplish for the new year, isn’t it?
- Avoid Staying Up Late
(Image Source: http://actuallyiambatman.tumblr.com/)
It’s funny when people are already aware of the problem they have, and yet they claim that they “are too lazy” or “don’t know how” to solve it. I’m a night owl myself and I keep telling myself to sleep early every night. But guess what? It doesn’t even work out. So I think this will absolutely be a massive milestone for me, if I manage to pull it off.
- Acquiring New Skills & Techniques
(Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/)
Lifelong learning is never a bad idea for everyone. From acquiring new languages to doing home maintenance works like fixing a light bulb, there is always a lot of new stuff for you to learn. Who knows? Maybe someday the skills, techniques or languages you have learnt might come in handy. It’s also said that lifelong learning keeps your brain sharp.
- Taking Up Healthy Habits
(Image Source: https://www.cartoonstock.com/)
Similar to the fourth one, it can help you optimize your free time and makes you a better person at the same time. To kickstart a beneficial habit, you are advised to come up with a well-laid plan as your very first step so that you’ll know how further you have to go to achieve it. Habits like reading books, jogging, playing chess and whatnot are always the good and simple ones to start off with.
- Finding a Part-time Job
(Image Source: https://www.cartoonstock.com/)
Another great and effective way to learn and to avoid time wasting is to expose yourself to the workplace, in other words, find a part-time job. When considering a job, do always keep in mind that experience matters more than salary.
- Making sure to Return to Your Hometown
(Image Source: http://www.kickinthehead.org/)
Last but not least, do remember to return to your hometown to visit your parents and siblings at least once a month, if possible, especially if you are living away from home for quite a while. You might not be aware of the fact that your family will definitely be more than happy to have you home. Distance kills, so don’t let it kill your loved ones.
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