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Level 17, The Bousteador No.10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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Bye Bad Habits

November 11, 2017

EasyUni Staff

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Being able to do so many things at one time, isn’t this a good habit? No! because you can’t eat, watch television, scroll your Facebook on your phone and study at the same time even you believe you can.

People nowadays are so busy and pre-occupied with their smartphones (social medias and games) even when they are walking, eating, attending classes, and even in the toilet. It may seem to have a little impact on students’ daily lives but this bad habit will gradually affect their awareness towards the changes in the surrounding, short term memory, judgment and problem solving skills.

Bye Bye Bad Habit: Off your phone, shut down your laptop and stay focused on your main task. After completing your task, reward yourself for staying on track. Good job!.


Sleeping late

Being a student, getting enough sleep daily is very essential yet difficult thing to do. Insomnia often characterised by difficulty in falling asleep, and usually it has some underlying psychological reasons. However, students’ habitual act to stay up until late is mostly linked to sleep deprivation, which is not having sufficient of sleep.

Due to lack of sleep, students may feel fatigue and lethargic during the day. As a result, their ability to focus, process information and working memory will be impaired and affected, thus leading to poor performance in academic activities. Physically, students may suffer from headaches, sore eyes, repetitive yawning and etc.

Bye Bye Bad Habit: Rest your body to rest your mind. But why not the other way round? Soothe your mind by listening to classical or instrumental music, meditating or reading, so your body can rest well.


Eating unhealthy

You are what you eat. The most basic need in life is food and the one of the most pleasant feelings is to fulfil the hunger.  Human beings have a biological natural preference for sweet and fatty food, but excessively eating this kind of food may jeopardize one’s health.

Class schedule and hectic school works may influence students’ eating pattern and habit. For instance, consecutive classes may leave students with option to binge snacks as a substitution for lunch. Moreover, students who stay in hostels without home-cooked meals by parents, may choose to eat instant food and have an unbalanced diet as long as it is convenient and fulfilling.

Bye Bye Bad Habit: Learn some simple recipes and prepare your own meal to monitor your calories intake. If you feel like eating while studying, reduce snacking, go for oats or fruits instead.



Are you that type of student who likes to do things at the eleventh hour? Don’t feel proud that you pass a subject with a work produced at the very ‘last minute’. In fact, you should be feeling guilty because you have more than enough time.

Bye Bye Bad Habit: Self control and self monitoring is vital, so bear in mind about your main role in school and avoid unnecessary social activities. Monitor your own progress in work and become a motivation in group. You may not want to delay your group effort and affect the group cohesion because your own poor attitude in work.



Cramming, may be an unfamiliar term to some students but most of them are doing this a day or two before their exam days. Highly related with procrastination, students who incline to cram will attempt to study the whole semester in few days before the examination with no clear direction and goal.

Cramming allows students to memorise and important points of the subjects they study but how much do they actually can learn in such short period?  You can be cramming to deal with exams, but for lifelong learning, this is definitely a poor habit.

Bye Bye Bad Habit: Plan a revision schedule, stick to it. Group study is also recommended if you prefer to exchange ideas and information with a group of people.


Lack of exercise

Be active while you are young and full of energy. It is normal for students to stay inactive after spending almost a day dealing with daily stressors and academic tasks. All they need is solitude and relaxation.

Bye Bye Bad Habit: Why not try out some small exercises as method of relaxation? You can relax your overwhelmed mind while burning some extra calories in your body. Exercise before sleeping may also increase the quality of sleep and subjective wellbeing. For instance, jogging, brisk walking and yoga may be ideal exercises to do after a hectic day.


Getting easily influenced

Peer pressure! One of the greatest force to influence youngsters in today’s world. According to a psychology theory, Abraham Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs, people constantly seek for acceptance and affirmation from group of people, this is important for people to feel the need of love and belongingness.

Thus, students may follow and conform to what majority of their friends are doing even though they do not like the activity or routine. Consequently, negative lifestyles such as truancy, going to pubs, drinking alcohol, smoking and etc may affect their health mentally and physically.

Bye Bye Bad Habit: Influence your friends before they do. You can initiate and plan a good activity and lead the group, so that you all can have fun and pleasure after class.


Being unorganised

Discipline! It is not easy for students to learn how to manage and organise their lives and this gets even harder if the students are staying away from their home. Besides personal hygiene and room cleanliness, it is crucial for students to know how to manage time.

Most of the students do not have a timetable to manage their time to do things in a systematic manner. Having a timetable but not following strictly may also be troublesome because students may not be punctual to class, procrastinate on meeting significant due date and miss out important appointments and chores.

Bye Bye Bad Habit: Make important reminders in your notebooks or phone. You may also follow up with friends and educators about academic events and due date.


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